
Selasa, 01 November 2011

Basic HTML

In a previous post we discussed what it was a little bit about html and html tags. Well now we will discuss in more depth html. Simply ...!!!!

We all know the html tag composed, but there's more of the HTML elements and attributes. In addition to any tag html pages but also there is the html element and attributes.
HTML Elements is all that lies between the start tag and end tag,
# <p>Welcome</p
# <a href="example.html">Example</a>
Description:- p and a is an HTML element
- While Welcome is the Element Conten and Example
But there are some HTML to the html element that has no content, so-called empty element tag is placed distart closing tag. For example: <br />, <hr />

HTML Element
HTML attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. HTML elements can have attributes, and attributes are always placed in the start tag, the writing was using the pair name / value such as: Name = "value"
Examples of attributes:
HTML link with <a> tag. The address of the link is written with the href attribute:
<a href=""> BlogKu InspirasiKu </ a>  
- Attribute name: href
- Attribute-value:
In writing the attribute value using quotes. Usually with double quotation marks ", but in certain circumstances can also use single quotes'
<input type="text" value='John "ShotGun" Nelson' /> 

XHTML ( EXtensible HyperText Markup Language )
XHTML is HTML defined as an XML, almost identical to HTML 4.01, but XHTML is more strict and more regular than with HTML.

XML is a markup language where the document should have a markup correctly and "wellformed". Recommended by the W3C in January 2000 and supported by most browsers and is used as a standard HTML to the front. As in my weblog is already using XML.

Because many Web documents in the form of "bad" HTML.
The following example is the "bad" HTML, although the road will remain normal when viewed through a browser:
<title>This is bad HTML</title>
<h1>Bad HTML
<p>This is a paragraph
Poor structure makes it difficult to read HTML documents.XHTML Elements must always be closed and XHTML elements must be in lowercase then documents must have one root element. All XHTML elements must be located within the <html> root element. Child elements must be paired and nested correctly in the parent elementnya.
The basic structure of an HTML document:
<head> ... </ head>
<body> ... </ body>
</ html>
HTML Text Formating<br/>
<b>Ini Tebal</b>
<big>Ini Besar</big>
<i>Ini Miring</i><br/>
<small>Ini Kecil</small>
<b><i>Ini Tebal dan Miring</i></b><br/>
Yang Ini <sub>Subscript</sub> dan ini <sup>Superscript</sup><br/>
<del>Ini Delete</del> <ins>Ini Insert</ins><br/>
<code>Ini Code</code><pre>Ini Pre</pre>

HTML Text Formating
Ini Tebal
Ini Besar
Ini Miring
Ini Kecil
Ini Tebal dan Miring

Yang Ini Subscript dan ini Superscript

Ini Delete Ini Insert

Ini Code         Ini Pre

Daftar Tag HTML :

- Introduction to Web By Cosmas Haryawan
- Google

5 komentar:

  1. xHTML digunakan untuk menampilkan halaman web via seluler ya?

  2. Jadi teringat waktu SMA dulu, belajar HTML tanpa menghadap komputer. Jadi membaca dan mencoba memahami buku panduan HTML, terus nulis HTML di kertas dan membayangkan kira-kira keluarnya di komputer kaya' apa. :D hehehe

  3. @Leo @ Belajar Photoshop ak jUga barU belajar k0g s0b,,,jadi belum begitu mahir dalam html,,,hehehehe
    salam kenal dari BlogKu InspirasiKu, thanK's dah berkunjung,,,


.: Terimakasih telah berkunjung di web blog saya, silahkan tinggalkan pesan untuk kemajuan web blog ini dimasa mendatang :.